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Monday, 14 June 2010

wainman tunning guide for you rabbits

Now your Rab bit kite is on the optimal, all -round setting. If you need you can adjust it to find your favorite
way of riding it!
Set front bridle on:
DOWNWIND to have kite turn faster, sail downwind better, and jump with more horizontal lift;
UPWIND to have kite turn a bit slower, sail upwind great and jump with more traditional, vertical lift .
* Remember to use the correct knot on the LE pig-tail when you use UPWIND or DOWNWIND setting, so the front bridle length is
always the same.
** After changing the setting in Boss and Big Mama, make sure you loosen up the loop between 2 lines of the bridles, so it finds its
best, natural spot, while kite flies.
A. The length of the back lines :
Now all your bridles and flying lines are new and even but it is normal that after some time their relation can change and
back lines will become little shorter than front lines.
Because of this, start to fly your Rabbit with the higher knot on the pig-tail and switch to the lower one, once you find that
your depower is not enough.
If you are a heavy rider or like to kite really over-powered, than the elongation of front lines may go further. In this case, in
your repair kit find the set of the extension pig-tail and use it additionally to recover the high depower mode in your
B. The position of back lines :
Now your Rabbit is set on a moderate turning speed.
Move it towards FAST to have it turn faster and towards SLOW if you want it to be slower in its actions and turn

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