I had a chance to test fly the New Ozone C4 12m kitesurfing kite today, and i must say i was extremely impressed, there has been alot of hype regarding the kite as riders are not sure weather is a C kite or a Hybrid here at hydr8boardsports.com we feel that this kite defiantly has the Old School C Feel, which is really great to go back to after flying Hybrid for a few years.
the First thing that struck me was the build quality of this kite, it is bomb proof and evey detail has been thought out, for example the bag. it has a pocket for the bar inside, this is sew to the bag so you will never loose it.
Also we have a really great repair kit which is also attached in its own bag so again if you go to the beach with your kites in there bag and you do have a problem, then you will always have your spares and repairs.
Simple things like this are what give customers piece of mind when spending on products.
after pumping up the Ozone C4 12m you definatley notice that it really is a C kite shape, the bridle running around the leading edge is compact, well for an Ozone kite it is!, i was never a fan of there previous kites as i found a little too much bridle going on. so this was a pleasant suprise.
there are 3 different settings on the wing tips to allow you to increase the bar presure.
i had this set on the middle option as after flying previous ozone kites i really didnt want it to feel its lightest.
Flying the ozone c4 12m was something i have been quite excited about, as i really wanted this kite to preform as i have heard so many good reviews of it.
first impressions as i put the kite up to 12, very quick positive bar pressure and not that usual ozone lightness! that was a great start.
the wind was about 15knots so for me at 80Kgs probaley just about the bottom end for me of this kite.
so away i went first few power strokes and i was away.. and a wry smile comes across my face, wow this is a sweet kite i am thinking, it has everything i would want, perfect bar pressure, smooth power delivery, Fast, and very Stable..
my only critism would be that it does over sheet on the standard settings a little so for newbies that might not understand to trim the kite on the depower line they may feel that when sheeted in the kite looses a little power.
For experience riders this is no problem as you can remedy this at the bar..
After a few runs i decide to put the Ozone C4 through its paces and thrown some un hooked tricks, as this is meant to be a C kite lets see how it performs
again i am very very impressed this kite has a lot of Pop! and made powered handle passing very easy, the slackness in the lines is there after you pop, the kite stays in power and dose not acclerate to the front of the wind window like alot of hybrids.
all in all perfect for un hooking, one great factor is the bar, the chicken loop locks in once unhooked so its super easy to find it after tricks.. a simple idea but really something that goes down well with more advanced riders.
this brings me onto the Bar, all i can say is Clean!, simple and great Saftey features.
but overiding all these factors is the simple Depower cleat system, which is effortless and simple to use in any wind strenght, i think a few kite brands can learn from this system that ozone implores.
All in all i am super stoked with the Ozone C4 12m and am looking forward to working closely with them to bring Ozone back to Poole
for more info or chat about there kites
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